Let’s align with our well-being this New Year that’s about to start
Hello …. How are you today?
It’s a very special day because we’re going through one of the most important transitions of the year. The thing is a new year is about to begin and we’re full of renewed expectations.
In this podcast, I’d like to invite you to think of ways to raise our energy to align with our well-being.
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PODCAST - Let’s align with our well-being this New Year that’s about to start
The first thing that comes to mind this week is to ask you to put all the New Year's resolutions and yearly balances in a bag and throw it to the sun so that it gets burned. And I’m not talking about this as a ritual, I’m saying this because it isn’t the time of the year to plan anything or to evaluate the year that is getting to an end. We’re going to find a more peaceful time to do all that in the future. The transition from one year to another in the Western world fills us with hope but also with pressure. Don’t you hear your own inner voice saying... "next year I’m going to do ….", "next year I swear I’ll stop doing …", "next year I want this to happen" , "Last year I couldn’t succeed in X or Y but this one I will." Good Lord, I'm exhausted just by writing all of that. I'm going to say this again and again because I can guarantee that it works, the secret these days is to pause, the key to our wellbeing is to allow ourselves to rest, the wealth is in treating yourself by not doing and that's where our energy will start to rise.
The ancients thought the world to be infused with spirits. The ancients stood in awe of the world around them. They found it worthy of their reverence and their respect. For me this is fascinating because I am convinced that there’s something greater than me that guides me through life and that lives inside me. What I feel is worth my veneration in the same way the ancients felt with the spirits surrounding them. When I connect with that infinite Love, I can feel ecstatic when a leaf falls slowly from a tree, with the waves that break in the sea, with the breeze that touches my face and I get into an expansive state that elevates me. This is the state I’m inviting you to get to. There are those who might achieve it by connecting with their inner wisdom or with God, the Universe, the Holy Spirit, Allah, Buddha, the angels and the guides who are showing the way. It’s always important, and especially at this time of year, to contact that light, that sacred place within us or those pure beings to whom we can entrust our soul.
And I want to emphasize this point because sometimes we’re so entangled in the machine of doing, projecting, planning, and controlling everything, that we step in the way of those forces that are much more powerful than us and we end up hindering their work. The idea is as simple as to release the year that is about to end, along with its balance sheets, and to be able to stop to thank it for everything we’ve learned. Each misstep has most probably left us a lesson. If there’s a bitter taste left with someone or something, the suggestion is to forgive them/it, and turn over a new leaf. And forgiving doesn’t mean condoning what happened, it’s simply disengaging from the suffering that comes with not doing so in order to continue treading our path with a renewed spirit.
Let me invite you to take a few minutes to answer these questions conscientiously. If you can take written notes, it’s much better:
What or who makes you smile easily?
How do you have fun as when you were just a kid?
What gives you joy?
What is the best treat you can give yourself?
Which is your favorite place?
What do you like doing in your favorite place?
What connects you more easily with the here and now?
What, who or when do you feel a love that impregnates your whole self?
How do you set healthy boundaries to preserve yourself?
Now take your answers and begin to carry them out. They’re all there for you to grasp now. They’re all already present in your experience. Say yes to the force that those places you’ve just reconnected with provide you. Those are places of love, presence, spontaneous smiles, and healthy boundaries. Those are powerful ways to raise your energy and align with your well-being. Much is said about the law of attraction but little is said about the fact that "being positive" isn’t enough to get what we want. Radical changes occur when body, mind and spirit are in alignment and we begin to flow naturally. When our mind is ruled by our love, gratitude, deepest needs, compassion, and the desire to serve, we can say we’ve found the sweet spot.
There’s a place in the depths of our being where we can find our inner wisdom and where we can experience the greatest joy ever, everyone knows how to contact it. The answers to the questions above are one way to do it. Let the energy of love reorganize your life. When in doubt, when in fear, when you don’t feel good, say a prayer or a few words so that your energy is organized in such a way that it is in sync with the universal Love for all beings.
My greatest wish for you in this New Year is that you bet on your wellness, little by little, taking loving actions one step at a time.
As we used to joke when we were children: "see you next year."
A big hug ❤