Tapping to relax our inner critic
Hello ….how are you today?
Have you ever wondered where that critical voice in your head comes from? You know it. The one that scares you and makes you feel insecure.
“don't do / say that, they will laugh at you”
“why did you say that, what will they think of you now?”
“You look terrible, hide your flaws”
…and so on and so forth. Our inner critic makes us feel tiny and worthless.
Today we’re going to do a Tapping Session to release the stress that our inner critic makes us feel and to be able to distance ourselves from it to observe it with compassion. You will find 2 parts:
Podcast & Text with an introduction to the subject - It also includes a Video that shows the exact location where you should apply your taps
⭐EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY⭐ Podcast with a Tapping Session to relax our inner critic
Introduction to the Inner Critic
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PODCAST: Introduction to the Inner Critic
Our brain has evolved with one main goal, which is to make us survive as a species. This little voice in our head is just interested in avoiding what it considers dangerous at all costs. If it feels that something is "threatening", our inner critic goes into alert mode and it’s difficult to stop it. Added to that, as we grew up, our inner critic was most likely enhanced by the emotional wounds caused by other people, either consciously or unconsciously. As a result, today we may feel under the spell of self-criticism and self-doubt.
Kristin Neff, Professor, Researcher, and author of the concept of self-compassion, and whom I had the fortune to study with for a few days at the University of California, Berkeley, says that we confuse our thoughts and representations of ourselves for our actual selves. When our self-image is under siege, we react as if our very existence is threatened. Our inner critic reacts out of sheer concern. Its function is not to make us happy but to keep us safe.
Before you start your tapping session, watch this short video to see what meridians you have to tap.
Today we’re going to do a tapping session to release the stress that our inner critic makes us feel and to be able to distance ourselves from it to observe it with compassion. Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a very powerful holistic healing tool. It is a mix of Chinese acupuncture and psychology. Why? How? You start by thinking of a topic that you need to solve and everything that stresses, scares or worries you. Then you start tapping on the meridians where needles are placed in acupuncture. While you tap, you repeat the phrases that are most pressing to you until you get to the words that provide clarity and relief to your situation.
The stimulation of the meridian points in your body by tapping reduces the stress or negative emotions that you feel about your problem and restores the energetic balance in your body. Since today's topic is our inner critic, you’ll learn how to tap to relate to it until you make amends with it and eventually feel calmer. Let me know how you feel afterwards.
📢 2. Tapping Session ⭐Exclusive content only for subscribers ⭐
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A big hug ❤