When positive thinking turns out to be negative 🤞
Hello ….how are you today?
A friend told me “I'm afraid that all this is happening to me because I’m vibrating at a low frequency”.
We both share the conviction that when one is well, doors open... However, what happens when we’re struck by a crisis?
Are we supposed to repress our fear, anguish, or anger because otherwise the Universe will punish us? Do we really have to think positively all the time? 🤔
You can listen to the podcast with this player, or if you prefer reading you have a written version below. Enjoy it!
“is being positive and repeating affirmations enough to materialize what we want?”
A subscriber e-mailed me about this same topic. She wrote: “I don't know what’s going on, I repeat mantras, I meditate, I repeat my affirmations, but my job doesn’t manifest”. We’ve exchanged many emails with her that will remain confidential but the question would be, is being positive and repeating affirmations enough to materialize what we want? I firmly believe that when we feel viscerally well we can see the signposts that will show us where to go and what to do. Nevertheless, we must dare to take action to make our wishes come true. If we don’t, we’re most likely going to stay at home waiting while no one sees what we have to offer. And you know what? When you’re afraid or hesitant to share your gifts with the world, you’re depriving people from benefiting from them.
High vibes… When?
To put all of this in order, I want to emphasize that positive thinking and emanating high vibrations are great if they are authentic and if they are the natural outcome of our inner work. What do I mean by this? That after diving deep inside us, and learning to relate to adversity and the emotions associated with it, we’ll learn the tools that include using our strengths, constructive thinking, and the practices that will enhance our well-being. If we force ourselves to vibrate high, think positively, and thus, attract what we want, the mind won’t buy it and it’ll worsen what we’re going through. The more we resist our emotional reality, the more it’ll persist. The complete palette of our emotions comes to teach us something, not just a part of it. To this aim, we can learn to relate to our most challenging emotions instead of covering them up or trying to rip them off.
A client told me "but I want to remove what I feel" and I obviously understood him. We all want to feel good all the time, right? But my invitation was to work together to observe his vital moment as a whole, see what messages this moment is bringing him, observe what needs to be healed, and move forward from there. As Mat Licatta says:
“Every micro-moment of new insight, understanding, and perspective must be integrated, digested, honored, and cared for with curiosity and attention. If we are not able to metabolize our most intense and disturbing experience, we will remain in opposition to it, in a subtle war with it, and we will not be able to use it as a healing ally”.
Mat Licatta
Two things to be aware of 👁️🗨️
If we believe that we should only exude positive energy, emotions and thoughts, even in times of adversity, we’re going to be doing two things that are harmful to our experience.
One is to discredit our real emotions and as a result, feel broken, scared, and frustrated.
The other is to miss the opportunity to learn from our experience and therefore, acquire the internal supplies to live with greater well-being.
Toxic positivity
Teachers Sokal, Trudel and Babb say that toxic positivity seeks to reject, deny or displace any recognition of stress, negativity and trauma and instead looks through rose-coloured glasses. On the contrary, a positive outlook recognizes both the negative and challenging aspects as well as the more optimistic frameworks and paths. So, embracing what we are feeling with kindness and observing it without judgment are fundamental to loosen the pressure that we should be feeling good and not the way we actually do. The fear of going through certain emotions creates constriction and that’s not healthy. Only from a place of empathy towards our experience, can we begin to experience an opening in the chest, peace of mind, abundance and happiness.
Compassion and acceptance
Gabby Bernstein, who I love, and who shares her learnings about the book A Course In Miracles, doesn’t tell us, eliminate what you feel or you’ll attract bad things. She tells us: be compassionate, accept your emotions and ask the Universe to help you feel at peace or something better. Mind you, I’m not encouraging you to be pessimistic or to feed your negative thoughts. No, not at all. What I mean is that whether you feel the pressure to feel good, even when life hits you, or whether you’re anchored in a loop of negativity, the important thing is to work on yourself and to see what your position is trying to tell you. As I said at the beginning, one day we align our minds and our hearts, we feel grateful, and we smile sincerely. We go out and people seem to be more friendly and we feel so good that we see the half full glass of water. That is contagious, attractive and genuine.
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A big hug ❤